How-To: Grow Strawberries

How-To: Grow Strawberries

Strawberry plants produce attractive fruit with fine flavour. Considering the high vitamin C content and versatile use, strawberries are well suited for planting in the home garden.

Well established and cared-for plants can be productive for up to three years or longer.

Each plant may produce up to one quart of fruit when grown in a matted row during the first fruiting year. Production usually declines during the second and third years of fruiting and a new planting should be established each year for maximum production.

Regardless of the way it is used, the strawberry is an excellent fruit that can be grown successfully by those willing to devote some attention to plant care.

Everbearing strawberry plants differ from the standard or June-bearing types in that they produce a full crop the season planted.

June-bearing plants are cultured to come into full production the season after planting. For best results, both everbearing and June-bearing plants should be planted in the spring. One cannot tell by looking at the plants whether they are the everbearing or June-bearing type; therefore, when purchasing plants., it is important to specify which type is desired.

Strawberry plants will grow and produce crops on a wide range of soils. Best results are obtained when the plants are grown in a sunny location. Loose, fertile soils containing large quantities of organic matter. Compost or sheep manure should be worked into the soil before planting. The strawberry plant is sensitive to excessive soil moisture and one should not attempt to grow plants in poorly-drained soils. Also, avoid planting strawberry plants in areas where potatoes, tomatoes or sod were grown recently. Insect and disease problems may result in serious plant damage in such areas.

Important cultural practices for growing strawberry plants include weed control, blossom removal, irrigation, mulching and frost protection. To control weeds in small plantings, hand pulling, mechanical cultivation and mulches are recommended.

Remove the flower stalks of June-bearing strawberry plants as they appear throughout he first growing season. More production can be expected if the plants are allowed to attain large size before fruiting.

Remove the blossoms of everbearing types of plants as they appear until about the middle of July (first year only). Then allow flowers to set fruit for harvest during the remainder of the season (August – October).

During the dry season, full production from the plants may not be achieved unless additional water is supplied. Take care in watering so the soil does not remain soggy for any prolonged period. In addition to its value for week control, mulching is necessary to provide winter protection and to protect the blossoms from late spring frosts. Apply weed seed-free straw 8 to 10 cm deep over the plants after they have been subjected to several sharp frosts in the fall. The mulch is partly removed from plants in the spring and put between the plants and rows.

A well-managed strawberry patch will produce good quantities of fresh berries for many years.

Popular Everbearing Strawberries

Fort Laramy

Medium large fruit, firm good tasting. Hardy and disease resistant.


Scarlet, large very hard and early.

Ozark Beauty

Very sweet, large fruit. Late Season.


Very tender fruit, disease resistant. Very sweet tasting. Perfect for freezing.


Similar to Fort Laramy. Medium large fruit. Good tasting


Sweet, large, glossy red fruit. Very hardy. High yields.

Popular June-bearing Strawberries


Large fruit, excellent taste.


Disease resistant, good flavour.


Excellent, high producer. Mid season


Extra large berries with good taste. Very vigorous. Perfect for jams and deserts.


Light red, glossy, firm fruit. Mid Season


Good flavour. Very productive. Late Season


Large fruit. Very productive. Early season. Grown widely at UPICK operations.

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